LEARNING MORE TO TEACH BETTER – KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals – School Education Staff Mobility / Ação Chave 1 - Ensino Escolar – 24 meses (de 01-06-2015 a 01-09-2017) – CANDIDATURA APROVADA e destinada a formação de pessoal. - Valor global candidatado era de 137 200,00€ e mereceu a aprovação com o valor de 63 420,00€.
Temas principais do projeto:·
- Aprendizagem sobre o Empreendedorismo - Educação para o Empreendedorismo;·
- ICT – Novas Tecnologias e Competências Digitais;
- Ensino e Aprendizagem de Línguas Estrangeiras.
Resumo do Projeto:
The Municipality of Ansião located
in the centre of Portugal, in a consortium together with The Agrupamento de
Escolas de Ansião and Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó are applying
for the project with the intention to go on strengthening relations already
established and sharing ideas on teaching and providing training in areas
which were identified as priority: Foreign Languages, Science and
Entrepreneurship Skills and Technology Innovation in Education to school
staff (teachers, assistants and headmasters) in order to motivate and enable
them with enough skills to prepare our younger generations better.
The schools have been investing on
new teaching tools (ICT) and methodologies to motivate students in order to
prevent early school leaving but it does not mean they are being well used.
With the unemployment rates growing everyday we have to be equipped with more
and better competences to equip our students better for the challenges of the
present and future.
The key staff is the teachers, the
school assistants and headmasters who need and are willing to promote
knowledge and competences on these areas.
The aims of this project are:
• To motivate staff and students
and reducing inequalities in the access to education preventing early school
• To improve the education levels
and skills and raising the employment rates consolidating its commitment to
vocational education and thus help to reduce poverty and social exclusion;
• To increase the percentage of
citizens sensitive to environmental issues and in particular on issues
related to energy sustainability and climate change;
• To contribute to the development
of European Dimension in Education through the development of transnational
projects involving the promotion of European Citizenship based on the use of
multilingual skills and online platforms or projects such as eTwinning by the
teaching community and students on a multicultural base.
We intend to involve 64 members of
staff from both schools directly in the motilities abroad.
The staff from both schools has
similar needs and the same opportunities will be given them for learning new
methods and acquiring new tools through:
1. The attendance of structured
courses on foreign languages in the United Kingdom for ten science teachers
and for ten language teachers.
The attendance of structured courses on new technologies for schools
in the United Kingdom for 10 teachers from both schools of different subjects
and ICT who need to be in touch with new tools for the 21st century
The attendance of structured courses on Science and Entrepreneurship
in the United Kingdom for 10 teachers from both schools of different subjects
who need to be in touch with new tools on these topics.
4. The attendance of training
events / Lectures /Conferences on ICT in the United Kingdom and Belgium for
20 members of staff from both schools.
The dissemination of these
activities is of the utmost importance for the project. It will involve:
. The production of tools for
teaching and to use in the classroom and share with other peers from schools
. The production of flyers or
leaflets, blogs, articles for the media and websites and documentaries or
workshops for the school TV Channel and Ansião TV to disseminate the best
.The development of European
Projects such as eTwinning in the classroom and working on topics which are
supported by our educational project such as Active Citizenship;
. Sharing ideas with peers from
other European schools using the ICT and the eTwinning Project;
. The development of another
eTwinning Project with as many Portuguese and other European schools as
possible to promote an International Contest of Ideas on Entrepreneurship for
students and teachers;
. The organization of two Forums of
Education /Seminars with all the members of staff who attended courses abroad
in order to disseminate the best practices.
the International Contest of Ideas on Science and Entrepreneurship may
attract companies/other institutions to develop industrial gadgets for
general use or to invite our students and thus create crate job opportunities.
These activities will be of great
interest to the schools involved in the consortium as their staff will get
the opportunity for training abroad and for exchanging ideas with technicians
of education from other countries.
It is through the specific training
on key areas identified as priority for both schools and the sharing of good practices among
European partners that an improvement
will be visible on the teaching and learning process not only in our schools
but also everywhere.
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